Tips to Overcome Shame and Guilt in Recovery

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Tips to Overcome Shame and Guilt in Recovery

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Overcoming Shame and Guilt: These emotions can hinder progress in addiction recovery, making it essential to address them.
  • Steps to Heal: Practical strategies include practicing self-forgiveness, seeking therapy, connecting with communities, using positive affirmations, and engaging in mindfulness.
  • Role of Virtue Recovery Chandler: Professional support can provide the necessary tools to overcome these emotional challenges, helping to strengthen your recovery journey.


Shame and guilt are two of the most challenging feelings that people experience while going through the process of addiction recovery. It can become a burden in your mind, making it hard to let go and continue with the recovery process. It is, therefore, essential to identify these feelings and know how to deal with them to ensure that one does not relapse.

Understanding Shame and Guilt in Recovery

Shame and guilt are two different emotions that are often mistaken for each other but are not the same. Guilt is the emotion one experiences when thinking he or she has made a mistake. It is an emotion that is linked to specific behaviors or activities and can, at times, lead to the desired change. Guilt, however, is more about the actions that one has done, while shame is more about the belief that one is a wrong person. It is more profound and destructive, resulting in a vicious cycle of thinking that may hinder your recovery process. 

When it comes to addiction recovery, these emotions can be even more heightened. You may have guilt for the harm that your addiction has brought to other people or shame for the things you did while you were still using. If not addressed, such feelings may become a stumbling block in your recovery process, and you may be tempted to go back to your old ways or be unable to participate in the recovery process as expected. 

Why Addressing Shame and Guilt is Crucial

Shame and guilt are not eliminated by ignoring them; they only worsen. These emotions can build up and become anxiety, depression, and even physical health issues such as stress. If you do not deal with these feelings, they will become a source of negative thinking that will erode your confidence and make it difficult for you to stay sober. 

These emotions are best dealt with directly, and this is encouraged in addiction recovery. It is possible to start healing from shame and guilt and improve one’s self-esteem and outlook on life. This is the emotional part of the recovery process, and it is vital for long-term recovery since it will help you remain motivated and on track. 

Practical Tips to Overcome Shame and Guilt

1. Practice Self-Forgiveness

It is crucial to learn how to let go of guilt and shame, and one of the ways to do this is to forgive oneself. Remember that nobody is perfect, and what you have done in the past does not necessarily mean you will do it again. First, it is necessary to name the things that make you feel guilty or ashamed and then remember that recovery is a growth process. It is not about forgetting the mistakes that one has made in the past but rather understanding that they are a part of one’s life and deciding to let go of them. 

2. Seek Professional Therapy

It is also important to note that therapy can be beneficial in addressing issues such as shame and guilt. A therapist can assist you in identifying the causes of such feelings and how to manage them. For instance, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is beneficial in altering negative thinking and encouraging positive thinking. With the help of a professional, you can understand your feelings and learn how to handle them in a manner that will help you recover. 

3. Connect with Supportive Communities

Sharing one’s experience with people who know what it is like can help to fight shame and guilt. Whether face-to-face or virtual, self-help groups allow you to tell your story and listen to other people’s stories. These communities can provide support, guidance, and companionship to make you feel less alone. 

4. Embrace Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are phrases that you can say to yourself every day to combat negative thinking and increase your self-esteem. These can be as basic as “I am worthy of love and forgiveness” or “My past does not define me. ” By repeating these affirmations daily, you can slowly change your thinking from negative to positive.

5. Engage in Mindful Practices

Other techniques that can be used include mindfulness techniques like meditation and deep breathing, which can assist in not letting the feelings of shame and guilt take control of you. These practices help you learn how to watch your thoughts and feelings without engaging in them, and thus, you will be able to let go of negative emotions instead of being a victim of them. In time, mindfulness can assist you in developing a healthier and less critical attitude towards yourself.

How Virtue Recovery Chandler Can Help

At Virtue Recovery Chandler, we know that addiction recovery is not simple and that many psychological issues can arise during it. Our team of professionals is here to assist you in managing feelings of shame and guilt and offer you the necessary support. With individual counseling, group meetings, and other complementary approaches, we help you learn how to overcome these challenges and build a better recovery plan.


Shame and guilt are two of the most powerful emotions that can be addressed in the process of addiction recovery and which can result in the individual’s transformation. To overcome these negative feelings, one can practice self-forgiveness, seek professional help, find people to talk to, use positive affirmations, and practice mindfulness.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, don’t hesitate to seek help. Call Virtue Recovery Chandler today at 866-338-5779. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


What is the difference between shame and guilt?

Shame is a more profound emotion that makes an individual feel that he or she is in some way defective or undeserving, while guilt is the emotion that results from the awareness of having done something wrong. Both can be difficult to recover from, but it is essential to recognize and work through them to recover.

How can I forgive myself during recovery?

Self-forgiveness is the process of admitting one’s wrongs, accepting them as a part of the learning process, and deciding to let go of the past and not be a prisoner of it.

Why is therapy necessary for overcoming shame?

Therapy helps you explore the roots of your shame, understand its impact, and develop strategies to manage and overcome it, which is essential for a successful recovery.

Can community support make a difference in my recovery?

Yes, having someone to talk to and relate with is reassuring, especially when one struggles with shame and guilt.

How can Virtue Recovery Chandler help me with my emotional struggles?

At Virtue Recovery Chandler, you will receive individual and group counseling and other holistic approaches that will address your feelings of shame and guilt while you recover.

Can Overcoming Shame and Guilt in Recovery Help in Reducing PTSD Anxiety?

Overcoming shame and guilt in recovery can help reduce ptsd anxiety naturally. By addressing and processing these emotions, individuals can experience a sense of relief and healing, leading to a reduction in anxiety symptoms associated with PTSD. Seeking support from a therapist or support group can also aid in this process.


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